Home > Accessories > CABLES AND CONNECTORS Accessories
  • Graphite rod counter electrode φ6*80mm
    €48.95 €60.95
  • Platinum Sheet Counter Electrode 10*10*0.1mm
    €229.95 €286.95
  • Silver Silver Chloride Ag/AgCl reference electrode φ6*140mm Glass Rod
    €82.95 €82.95
electrochemical cell customize service

Accessories and Consumables

These are the accessories and consumables that we use in the DekResearch lab to standardise our methodology, improve efficiency and increase the reproductivity of our experiments. Our range of high quality accessories and consumables for materials science labs includes products for making and testing solutions, cleaning and preparing substrates and fabricating, encapsulating, and electrically measuring thin-film devices.

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Accessories and Consumables

Suitable for use under various processing conditions, these are the accessories and consumables that we use in the DekResearch lab to standardise our methodology, improve efficiency and increase the reproductivity of our experiments. Our range of high quality accessories and consumables for materials science labs includes products for making and testing solutions, cleaning and preparing substrates and fabricating, encapsulating, and electrically measuring thin-film devices.